The OASC is looking for some volunteers to join 2 of its committees.
Why you should consider joining a committee?
Joining a committee allows you an opportunity to give your opinion and recommendations on the direction that the club should follow.
What commitment is there when you join a committee?
Committees meet 3 or 4 times a year. Each meeting is held over Zoom so you can log into the meeting from home. Each committee meeting is restricted to a maximum of 1 hour so you would be looking at donating 3 or 4 hours of your time.
Which committees currently need members?
The Women's Committee and OCSL Committee are currently looking for members
Women's Committee
The women's committee is tasked with planning the Women's program within our club.
2025 topics include
The Women's Committee will be chaired by Dawn Dinsdale. We are hoping to have 4 players or team managers join the committee.
OCSL Committee
The OCSL committee is tasked with planning our OCSL program within our club.
2025 committee topics include
The OCSL Committee will be chaired by Mike Moran. We are hoping to have 4 players or team managers join the committee.
Who do I contact to volunteer?
Please contact Dawn Dinsdale at